Residential Energy Waste - better simple smart products and better design standards
Campaign: Which are the fastest, easiest to implement climate-friendly energy technologies?
Along with a growing world population (moving from currrent 7.6 billion to 11 billion = 45% by 2100, and then the population is flattening out - ref \"Factfulness - Hans Rosling et al 2018) goes higher consumption as lower socio economic groups move up the developed country scale (moving population from the lowest socio economic scale creates huge additonal demand for electricity/energy), and as well the current access to electricity moves from 85% (2017) to close to 100% (due to availablility of renewables etc) by 2100 then we have to do something about total usage and efficiency of the energy we are using in the residential sector. On average up to 15% of energy is wasted energy in the residential sector - we need to create simple mass market energy monitoring devices that just don\'t tell us when to use cheaper energy but \'coach us\' into using less and stopping wastage - e.g. devices left on in standby mode etc. On top of this buildings need to be better insulated to save on the huge waste through lack of appropriate insulation and building design that realises heat gain in buildings as well as heat losses.
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Magnus Penker
Can we create Air COnditioner that is only working when someone is inside, using less energy? Maybe using body temprature? And also not to be used to cooling down heat from the radiators (it is true this is happening in many appartments with central heating). It must be easy to fix... ?
Magnus Penker
Can we create bio combinate in residential buildings? Where we create and reuse all energy sources and wast to reach a zero-sum electricity game and have plants taking up all carbon dioxide we produce to bind the carbon? Which solutions are there? Any examples you know about? Plase share!
Dr. Satnam Singh
Tall structures should emulate the use of windcatchers like what they have in the middle eastern deserts. The windcatcher design comes from their ability to catch passing winds and drive them down into buildings below and circulate into rooms. Windcatchers pushes warm air up and out through the tower, leaving the interior of the building feeling cooler than the exterior.